Gambar dari Malaga, Sepanyol

>> Monday, October 26, 2009


Semasa trip ke Spain, Dr. Har tak banyak berjalan utk. explore the place. Honestly, I was not quite excited to experiment Malaga - mainly because the `nostalgic' feeling that the soil under my feet, was once dipijak oleh para Mukmin yang memakmurkan Andalusia.

So, here are some photos of the streets in Malaga. Typically, South Spanish architecture - with a lot of Northen African influence.


Mohon ampun maaf, lama sungguh tak hantar berita


Ini adalah input KHAS untuk meminta maaf kerana telah lebih sebulan tak update blog ni! Punyalah banyak events in between. I will try to write as often as possible, InsyaAllah.


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