>> Friday, August 26, 2011

(For tips no. 1 -45, kindly scroll down to blog entry on July 26 - enjoy the tips!)

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS: Tip. no 46 -Convince yourself that you play a very important role in the healthcare system of the country. You might feel like a slave sometimes, being pushed around, instructed to do this & that. Just bear with those a little while more. You will soon transform to be a matured, experienced medical officer,in-charge of junior HOs who come after you.

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS: Tip. no 47 - Think seriously about starting a family soon. Family commitment pushes you to another level of life and forces you to consider others in making decisions. If you're still looking for the right suitor, keep on praying. If you already have the potential suitor, just proceed making arrangement for a simple wedding. Let's continue with life..do not get stuck forever with your career!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS: Tip. no 48 - Clear up your mind, clean up your heart regularly and constantly. Spend your holiday in a quiet, peaceful outdoor environment. Keep in touch with nature. Feel the magnificent power of God, the Creator around you. Remind yourself, how small, weak and dependent you are to God's help every second of your life. Pray - O Allah, just don't leave me alone!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS: Tip. no 49 - Have the courtesy to meet and thank all your consultants, clinical specialists, registrars and MOs whom you have worked with, before finishing your posting in that particular department. Do not just disappear into thin air. Greet them at the corridors, acknowledge their presence.

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR HOUSE OFFICERS: Tip. no 50 - Get use to the fact that `Once a doctor, always a doctor!'. Internalize life-long learning commitment. You are allowed to add the title `Dr.' to your name, but be aware of the responsibilities that come with it. Prove that you deserve such a noble title to be put in front of your own name!

Dr. Har

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 1 -12 (Nukilan Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj)

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 1 - Ikhlaskan niatmu menjadi teman hidup pasanganmu. Ketetapan Allah memilih yang seorang ini buatmu, dari berjuta lelaki di dunia. Pasti ada hikmah yg tersirat dan tersurat. Ayuh, kita selongkar rahsia Allah itu dalam hidup seharian bersama, pasti di situ kau kan temui bahagia....

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 2 - Pertahankan ikatan pernikahan yang dibuat atas nama Allah yg Maha Agung. Hanya dgn nama-Nyalah, apa yang asalnya haram antara engkau & sidia, menjadi halal dan dibolehkan. Genggam erat ukhuwwah yg terjalin - penuh pasrah dan tawakkal.

TALIAN HAYAT UNTUK ISTERI : Nota 3 - Pandu arah kehidupan bersama ini semata2 utk mencari redha Allah. Saling bantu membantu dalam usaha kebaikan dan takwa. Kumpulkan sebyk mungkin bekalan. Moga tika kita terpaksa berlutut di depan Allah sendiri-sendiri, amal bakti yg kita kutip bersama mampu meraih belas ihsan Allah buat kita sekeluarga.

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 4 - Fahamilah erti sebenar taat kepada suami yang disarankan agama. Ketaatan itu bukannya menurut semua perintah suami tanpa usul periksa. Demi hubungan yg harmoni & sejahtera, elok benar kalau siisteri yang mengalah / `surrendered',di saat kita mampu menunjuk lagak menyombongkan diri terhadap suami. Merendah diri bukan minta dipijak-pijak! Sekadar menunjuk akhlaq terpuji, agar tenang hati suami. Rugikah kita para isteri kalau kita taat secara rela diri?

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 5 - Selitkan doa setiap masa, moga Allah SWT mencampakkan hidayah-Nya ke dalam hati suami kita. Moga lebih cinta dia kepada iman, takwa dan ihsan. Moga dia terus gigih mencontohi suami teragung, Muhammad SAW. Mudah-mudahan jua, bersama kita meniti kehidupan dalam redha dan kasih sayang Allah setiap masa dan ketika!

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 6 - Hargailah setiap usaha, kasih sayang, saraan hidup dan pemberian suamimu, insan kerdil yg begitu gigih cuba melaksanakan amanah berat di bahunya. Hentikan cemuhan, kritikan, sindiran dan perli dlm setiap patah ayat yg ditujukan utknya. Gantikan dgn kata semangat dan keyakinan yg mampu mendorongnya menjadi suami yg lebih menyerlah, InsyaAllah.

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 7 - Didiklah hati agar menyayangi wanita yang melahirkan suamimu, kenanglah jasanya mendidik anak lelakinya menjadi pasangan yang mengasihimu kini. Jangan sekali jadi musuh @ saingannya, sekalipun itu mungkin tanggapan ibu mertua terhadapmu. Yakinkan hatinya, bahawa engkau bukanlah perampas kasih anaknya. Engkau sebenarnya permata yang menyinari hidup suami dan juga penyeri hidupnya, jika dia sudi memberi peluang tersebut kepadamu!

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 8 - Belajarlah untuk ikhlas dalam memberikan kasih sayang dan cinta utk suamimu. Seringkali ada sahaja niat dan sebab musabab lain semasa kita melafazkan ikrar kasih. Jika benar ikhlas, engkau takkan mudah kecewa jika sesekali seperti cintamu tidak berbalas, penat lelahmu tidak dihargai. Keikhlasanmu kan menjadi daya penarik yg kuat mengikat hati suamimu kepadamu!

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 9 - Serlahkan bakat dan potensimu, gunakan kecerdasan dan keupayaanmu untuk memberi manfaat kepada orang lain. Prihatinlah kepada keperitan hidup masyarakat di luar sana, bantulah semampu boleh. Jadilah manusia yang banyak jasanya - pasti suami dan anak-anakmu bangga beristeri dan beribukan seorang yang istimewa seperti kamu!

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 10 - Bijaklah mengurus masa, modal anugerah Allah kepada kita semua. Senaraikan keutamaanmu dan tumpukan usaha mendahulukan mana yang sepatutnya dibereskan dahulu. Dapatkan bantuan suami dan anak2 untuk menyelesaikan tugasan. Jangan bebankan dirimu cuba menjadi `wanita luarbiasa' - suamimu cuma inginkan seorang isteri solehah yg bijaksana!

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 11 - Beranikan dirimu untuk mempercayai kejujuran suamimu dalam melayari bahtera ini bersama. Sesungguhnya, kepercayaanmu ibarat titisan air yg diperlukan oleh rimbun untuk kekal menghijau. Tanpanya, ia akan layu kekuningan. Namun, suamimu perlu jua diperingatkan - agar cermat menjaga kepercayaan itu ibarat kaca yg mudah retak & calar. Sekali tercalar, mungkin selamanya terluka...

TALIAN HAYAT BUAT ISTERI : Nota 12 - Imbangilah antara kebergantunganmu kepada suami dgn keupayaanmu untuk berdiri di atas kaki sendiri. Pasrahmu yang total hanyalah kepada yg Maha Agung. Saling bergantung, perlu memerlukan adalah perencah kenikmatan hidup bersama. Jikalau masih sendiri-sendiri, apalah erti hidup sebumbung. Sementara dia masih ada di sisi, kita serahkan kemudi bahtera di tangan suami. Namun jika dia harus pergi, kita akan mampu memikul amanah yg ada, InsyaAllah!

Dr. Har

Dr Har sekeluarga dalam Episod 3 Resepi Umi TV AlHijrah 090811

>> Thursday, August 18, 2011

Alhamdulillah, Selasa 9 Ramadhan lepas, Dr Har sekeluarga mengisi segmen Resepi Umi dalam TV Al Hijrah - dgn resepi Nasi Daging Cicah Air Asam & Pengat Ubi Tiga Serangkai. Siapa yg tak berkesempatan, boleh tgk dlm website TV Al-Hijrah : http://www.tvalhijrah.com/index.phpview=video&id=312&option=com_jomtube&Itemid=355#media.
Bagi Dr Har, amat bermakna segmen yg awal tu - bahagian interview kami sekeluarga. Menitis airmata mendengar komen Ustaz Zul, Syifa' & Syamil. JZKK suamiku dan anak2, moga kita terus bersama sebagai satu keluarga di Jannah nanti...Amin.

Dr. Har


>> Tuesday, August 9, 2011

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS : Tip no. 1 - Reflect on the main reason you become a teacher in the first place. Was it your childhood dream or mainly because you did not have much choices then? Why on earth are you still a teacher now? Find the answers in your heart. What you are today is a result of how you first took off in this noble profession...

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS : Tip no. 2 - Assign a special task to your students today : ` Write ONE word that best describes my teacher, Puan/Mrs/Dr/Prof/Mdm ....(fill in the blank with your own name)' Provide each student with a post-it note. Input should be anonymous. Pass around a small box to collect the notes. Paste them on a wall surface (in your bedroom) - the words describe what the students see in you!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS : Tip no. 3 - Prioritize the weakest student in your class, instead of the cleverest. Those who are gifted with superb IQ could sail thru' without much of your help. It's the weakest who needs you the most. Don't ignore him/her. Look at her/him with a different perspective today - full with hopes & dreams!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS : Tip no. 4 - Be a great teacher who inspires. From William Hart - a mediocre teacher tells, a good teacher explains, a superior teacher demonstrates & a great teacher inspires! Convince your students that you're a different breed of teacher - the one who really cares & prays for them, every time, every day!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS : Tip no. 5 - Honour the students' trust in you. Keep their secrets. Do not spread out the private info they confided in you to other teachers in the school, unless it's related to safety and legal matters. Even then, just tell the principle/headmaster. Confidentiality is a part of teaching ethics.

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS : Tip no. 6 - Teach with all your heart, imagine the students are your own flesh and blood. Thank Allah (again & again) for the honour of being a teacher. Focus your energy before stepping into class. Remind yourself of the responsibilities put on your shoulders. Finish this statement : ` At the end of this session, my students should be able to.....'

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS - Tip no.7 - Look back into history - all great individuals were teachers. Rasulullah SAW was a great mu'allim/murrabi. Imam Al-Ghazali, Ibnu Sina, Gandhi, Hippocrates, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mother Teresa, the list is non-exhaustive. These great people shared a common teaching style - they touched the hearts of each student they encountered (student-centred teaching). How about you?

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS - Tip no.8 - Read, read and read more! Teachers are readers and readers are leaders. Lead your students to explore the marvellous world of knowledge & virtue. Look up for new books & re-read the old ones. Reading builds up creativity of teachers. So, what book are you reading now?

URVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS - Tip no.9 - Shine as your students' best role model, esp. for those who do not have one at home. Practise what you preach, and walk the talk. For students who only have bad role modelling all these while, YOU are their shining beacon, salvation and last hope. Don't let them down, please...

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR TEACHERS - Tip no.10 - Serve as your students' life mentor. Do you still receive SMS, emails, wedding cards, festive greetings and well wishes years after your students have left school/college? Did the old students look for you whenever they came visiting? If so, rejoice...for you're indeed your students' life mentor! If not and you do not really mind, you might have never meant to be one.

Dr. Har


SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 1 - Thank Allah (God) for this golden opportunity. Allow yourself to be trained with the basic medical knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that are essential for the profession. If you're a caring, responsible, unselfish and emphatic person, half the battle is won. If you're not, it's a long way ahead!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 2 - Do not be afraid to make mistakes now. As students, you learn thro' your mistakes and corrections by your teachers. If you're scolded or criticized for your mistakes, be strong. You could only be hurt or affected as much as you have allowed yourself to be!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 3 - Look forward for your exams, instead of being depressed over them. Two reasons for that; first - exams are TRADEMARK of medical schools (they are here to stay!), secondly - they serve as signboards, telling you how close (or how far) you're to the destiny. Enjoy & cherish them!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 4 - Enhance your passion & hunger for knowledge. You might have your own learning style, but you can always switch your approach from superficial to deep. Learn because you really wanna know, not for simply passing exams (superficial approach)!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 5 - Appreciate the cooperative patients who have agreed to allow you to examine them. Give them their due respect. Despite their pain and misery, they let you `disturb' their rest/sleep. Promise yourself that you will be a competent doctor one day, so all the patients' sacrifice for you would not go wasteful!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 6 - Apply active participation in your learning process. Force yourself to come forward the next time your clinical teacher looks for a volunteer to clerk a patient, perform a physical exam, assist in a procedure or operation. You will be rewarded with a great sense of achievement, much more than your passive friends - even if you gonna get some criticism/ negative feedback at the end.

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 7 - Do not procrastinate, submit assignments before deadline. Do not postpone till the very last minute, no matter how tempting it is to delay. Put in your best effort in everything you do. Be exceptional, not just a mediocre!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 8 - Ask questions, clarify any area of doubt. Make it a must to ask your teacher before a teaching session ends. Keep asking - there are no such things as stupid questions - only stupid answers! A lot of active, critical thinking must come before asking...it might be too much for some, eh? No wonder you all are no longer asking these days!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 9 - Never leave God behind in your pursuit to be the men/women of medicine. As healers, we are the INSTRUMENT of God's mercy. Continue your strive to be close to Him, for you will definitely need Him endlessly. It is through your hands, words, eyes and smiles that God is going to cure and care for the sick and fallen. May you deserve such honour!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 10 - Keep in touch with your parents & family. They're your best support. Update them with your progress. Include them into your busy, busy stressed-up life. Share with them your sorrow, but convince them that you'll be fine with their prayers tagged along.

Dr. Har

Segmen Resepi Ummi di TV Al-Hijrah 090811 1730hrs

>> Monday, August 8, 2011

InsyaAllah, Dr Har sekeluarga akan mengisi ruangan segmen Resepi Ummi di TV Al-Hijrah esok, Selasa 9 Ogos 2011/ 9 Ramadhan 1432H jam 5.30 - 6.00ptg. Resepi yg akan dikongsi bersama : Nasi Daging Cicah Air Asam & Pengat Ubi Tiga Serangkai. Sudi-sudikan menonton pada yg berkesempatan....

Dr. Har

Kelmarin, aku bersama anak-anakku di Raudhatus Sakinah..


Alhamdulillah, Dr Har berkesempatan beriftar & tarawih bersama anak-anak pelatih RS (Raudhatus Sakinah) pada Ramadhan ke6 yang lepas. Inilah satu lagi kelompok anak-anak yang amat hampir dgn jiwa keibuan Dr Har. Melihat wajah mereka, Dr Har terasa kesyahduan ukhuwwah dan kasih sayang. Di RS, kami ( Lembaga Pengarah Induk RS) menjadi ibarat ibu bapa `sementara' yg memikul tgjwb ibu bapa kandung yang diamanahkan membimbing, mendidik, menunjuk, melatih dan mengiringi kehidupan agar sampai kepada redha Allah. Semasa tazkeerah pendek sebelum Isyak, Dr Har ada nyatakan - Dr Har bagi pihak LPI RS ingin merakamkan terima kasih kerana anak2 mengizinkan kami singgah sebentar dlm fasa hidup kalian di saat ini, utk menyumbangkan masa dan tenaga ke jalan Allah. Bukan hanya anak2 yg perlukan kami, namun sebenarnya kamilah yang memerlukan anak-anak. Melalui anak-anak, Allah SWT membuka ruang amal yang luas dan banyak utk kami mendapatkan redha-Nya! Sebak dada Dr Har mengucapkan kata-kata itu. How can we not feel humbled by that reality.....

Anak-anak pelatih RS, from the very bottom of my heart, I REALLY LOVE YOU! May Allah grant our prayers, that we will be neighbours in Jannatul Firdaus, one day, on that very special day! Amin...

Dr. Har

Penghargaan seorang anak murid - Terima kasih Dr Murnira!

>> Wednesday, August 3, 2011

PS : Gambar UKM Medic kumpulan SSM 2009-2011. From left : Dr Su Huan, Dr Azmina Hani, Dr.Murnira, Dr. Faiz & Dr Saidatul Akma. Bersama supervisor : Prof Har


Berbunga hati kelmarin mendapat SMS dari salah seorang graduan UKM batch 2011, Dr Murnira sempena Ramadhan ini. SMS berbunyi :`Salam Ramadhan Prof. Alhamdulillah, berkat doa Prof suatu hari lalu `Insyaallah, Ramadhan next year u will be Dr Murnira somewhere.'Alhamdulillah, today I am in HQE, Sabah. =)

Alhamdulillah, syukur pada Allah SWT. Terimakasih atas ingatan Dr.Murnira! Moga Allah sentiasa bersama kita semua!

Dr. Har

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