The Palestinians versus Me & You!

>> Friday, November 30, 2012

PLEASE, enough of hearing comments like this about conflicts in Palestine: 'We shud be grateful becoz we live in peace, not in fear of bombs dropping, houses collapsing & children dying.' 
The simple fact is : we are not chosen to be Palestinians! 
We are definitely not strong, tough & determined enough to be Palestinians...hence here we are - existing for mere ordinary reasons of living in this world of 'me, myself & I!
For the Palestinians - their victory is their continuous resistance against the Israeli occupation & their defeat would be to surrender to the Zionists! 

Now you understand why they keep on resisting for the past 65 years!


Dr. Har

Palestinians : Xtraordinary Selected & Chosen People

A Palestinian woman I met during Hajj 1427H (2006-2007) in Masjidil Haram : IBTISAM ASHLAH - an English teacher from Arabi Al Batuuf, near Haifa Palestine, was a mother of seven. When I asked whether any of her children had become shaheed (
martyr), she SADLY said, `Not yet! But two of my neighbours had shaheeds in their family. One of them even had two.' When asked, `Do you want your children to be shaheed?'She quickly answered : Òf course!'. She looked at me puzzled - maybe she was thinking : What kind of stupid question is this? Who wouldn't want to be a mother of martyrs? I felt embarrassed of myself & very much dwarfed by this great woman!

Dr. Har

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