Dr. Har, RS dan Showcase Maher Zain 2010 `Save the Soul'

>> Saturday, October 16, 2010


Alhamdulillah, sepenuh kesyukuran Dr.Har panjatkan ke hadrat Allah SWT yang memberikan satu pengalaman dakwah yang cukup unik sepanjang dua minggu kebelakangan ini ( 4-16 Okt.2010).

Tour dan Showcase MZ 2010 `Save the Soul (STS) sudah sampai ke penghujung apabila MZ dan isteri berlepas pulang dari KLIA tengahari tadi. Semoga MZ pergi membawa bekalan motivasi dakwah yang sarat, yang mampu melonjakkan lagi aktivisme dan jihadnya. Semoga RS dan Dr.Har yang tinggal juga, semakin yakin dengan janji-janji Allah SWT dalam mengharung liku perjuangan dakwah di Malaysia.

Ucapan sepenuh penghargaan utk. semua yang terbabit - secara langsung mahupun tidak -dari penaja yang dermawan, peminat dan pendokong irama yang `faith-based, value driven', team RS dan Nasyid.com, artis dunia hiburan, media massa - tidaklah mampu RS melaksanakan semua ini tanpa semangat setiakawan dan teamwork yang gigih, tercetus dari niat yang ikhlas.

Dr.Har sempat bertemu MZ secara peribadi selama 4-5 kali sepanjang beliau di sini, dan merasa amat senang dgn watak dan pembawaan da'ie muda ini. Alhamdulillah, Allah memilih individu yang tepat utk. membawa mesej yang penting ini kepada golongan anak muda yang begitu dahagakan input dan bimbingan kembali menyintai Allah SWT.

Tema Save the Soul (STS) memang tepat pada masanya. Sekalipun kempen itu adalah yang pertama bagi RS (1999-2001) - sebelum kempen `Not Me, Not Now' (2002-2006), Anda Bijak Jauhi Zina (ABJZ-2007) dan yang terakhir `Lelaki Pelindung Wanita' (2010) - tema tersebut diangkat menjadi fokus dalam showcase kali ini. Ternyata percubaan itu berjaya - menarik minat MZ utk. datang, menarik ribuan peminat menghadiri persembahan MZ - dalam misi yang sememangnya tepat pada masanya - ketika `jiwa dan roh' remaja Muslim di negara ini amat perlu diselamatkan!

RS memang tidak pernah menduga dapat menganjurkan satu showcase yang membabitkan seorang artis antarabangsa seperti MZ. Namun, jika Allah SWT telah menetapkan bahwa RS yang mesti memikul tanggungjawab ini, kami bertekad melaksanakannya. Betapa cemasnya kami beberapa minggu terakhir persiapan bila para penaja nampak begitu skeptikal dengan kemampuan kami menganjurkan satu showcase tanpa pengalaman. Satu penaja yang pada mulanya begitu berminat utk. menjadi penaja, dinasihatkan utk. tidak meneruskan hasrat tersebut oleh pasukan akauntan syarikat yang langsung tidak yakin dgn kemampuan RS. Kami tentunya tidak menyalahkan mereka, namun selepas melihat sambutan luar biasa terhadap MZ, mungkin syarikat tersebut `menggigit jari' terlepas peluang keemasan.

Selama dua malam berturut, showcase STS diadakan di Auditorium MBSA Shah Alam, Dr.Har rasa amat terharu dgn sambutan hebat yang ditunjukkan oleh peminat dari Malaysia. Kami menerima kunjungan timbalan menteri, ketua pengarah, Dato' Bandar SA sendiri semasa showcase tersebut. Itu belum lagi fan club MZ yang diasaskan di Malaysia. Dari yang kecil hinggalah yang sudah berusia, semua hadir untuk `spiritual enhancement & enrichment'.

Sambutan terhadap STS Showcase MZ ini menjadi petanda - betapa umat Islam di negara ini, khususnya muda mudi Muslim amat perlu dihidangkan satu alternatif yang mampu mengatasi tarikan nafsu, syahwat dan iblis yang begitu mendesak dan mengasak mereka dari setiap penjuru. Unsur-unsur negatif yang tidak sabar-sabar mahu `mencuri dan merampas' SOUL kita semua yang sepatutnya hanya tunduk patuh kepada perintah Allah SWT.

Semasa melihat MZ membuat persembahan di pentas, Dr.Har tertanya dalam hati - mengapa Malaysia belum berjaya menghasilkan `Maher Zain'-nya sendiri? Sebaliknya, apa yang berlaku - ramai antara penyanyi Malaysia yang terkenal hari ini, dahulunya pernah menganggotai kumpulan nasyid. Namun, apabila sudah terjun sebagai penyanyi solo - genre lagu yang didendang langsung tersasar dari apa yang sepatutnya mereka lakukan dengn bakat dan kebolehan yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah SWT. Sekalipun mampu menghasilkan melodi yang indah dan membuai jiwa, namun lirik-liriknya, hanya memuja dan memuji kekasih manusia yang hina dina, melampau-lampau sehingga Dr.Har sering keliru, sama ada lagu ini utk. Tuhan atau hanya kekasih yang sama lemah, sama hina!

Betapa bersalahnya perasaan Dr. Har melihat kelompok muda yang telah lama terabai keperluan emosi dan spiritualnya. Rasa mahu meneruskan langkah gigih dan jihad bertambah membara dalam hati! Ya, RS akan terus berusaha - membantu usaha membebaskan anak remaja dari belenggu penderitaan ketandusan Islam,Iman dan IHSAN.

Mohon doa kalian semua.

Diperturunkan `speech pendek Dr. Har semasa Fundraising Dinner pada 121010 utk diperkongsikan.

Salam - Salawat - Salutation

Let us all begin, once again by thanking Allah SWT for allowing us to be here. It is not your money or your position or just by mere, pure luck, that you and me are here now. In case we have forgotten, it is only by Allah’s permission and His alone. Why are we among the `chosen ones’? We know very well, there are thousands more people out there who would do anything to be here. Why us? Again only Allah SWT knows.

It is also not by pure luck that you have heard Maher’s song the first time – either through the internet or introduced by your friends or relatives, whenever and wherever that was, and suddenly found yourself fallen in love with the songs written by this vibrant yet humble young da’ie. Songs that moved your heart, brought tears to your eyes – songs that are `faith-based and value-driven’, as how Bro Amir Razelan beautifully described them. Yes, it is only through Allah’s magical ways that we are here together as a family unit, supporting the good course of dakwah, charity and fulfilling our responsibilities to Allah SWT. Only Allah SWT decides, when our paths will cross.

Despites the thousands of miles that separate us apart, Raudhatus Sakinah, IIS, Inteam Records are gathered together with Maher Zain & Awakening Records to join and support each other. Definitely, the physical distance could not prevent the reconciliation of souls, bound together on the same platform of syahadah, faith and sincerity, in achieving the same goal of seeking Allah’s pleasure all the way. Raudhatus Sakinah Shelter Home for Girls is mainly the `tool’ for all of us to chip in, the very little contribution – in our struggle to save the souls of this ummah, especially the youths of today.

I was greatly touched by Maher’s remark during his interview with TV9 last Sunday morning, when he was relating about his `dark past’ before deciding to make a comeback to the meaningful life of Islam and Iman. Maher, you mentioned about the difficulties and challenges that youths have to face these days, making life decisions one after another. And the word `difficulties’ struck me the most. As a medical doctor for the past 19 years, I always deal with `problematic patients’, as a medical teacher for the past 13 years, I have always encountered `problematic’ students, as a parent, I have to make sure that my children would not grow up to be problematic kids, and I become an activist in dakwah and society, setting up five Raudhatus Sakinah throughout the country to help handling the `problematic youths’. As long as we, the adults of this society, define these as problems, we might forever resort into wrong strategies trying to overcome them all the way.

If only we could all start looking at these `problematic’ young people as our children with difficulties, who are in need of assistance and guidance, to help them overcoming those challenges and difficulties, I am sure we would be taking off from a more `appropriate and right launching pad’.

Our youths need us to lend them our ears and sincerely listen to their concerns and inner worries. They want us to guide them through the unfamiliar roller-coaster ride of their emotions. They are hoping that we would be there, when they learned the hard way, rather than ignoring them most of the time, and only become extremely concerned and excessively worried when things did not work out well. They need our love, and most importantly our TRUST & RESPECT. Respecting the youths does not simply mean allowing them to walk down the path to their own destruction. But rather to give them the right signal, that they really do matter to all of us! And by saving their souls, we will end up saving ours and ensure a better tomorrow for everyone.

And of course, the struggle will go on. And let me warn you, it is long-winded, and far. There are many obstacles and tribulation along the way. There are just too many hiccups to be listed here regarding this tour and showcase, and we have to sincerely apologize for all of that. Nevertheless, that would not stop us from pushing the limits farther up. We have put forward an alternative for the Malaysian youths today, in providing them the `faith-based, value-driven’ form of entertainment that our souls craved for. Not the type of melodies and lyrics that drive our soul crazy and empty.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone – Bro Maher, Wassem, Sharif from Awakening, Ummi Roses, Bro Adzhar, Bro Amir Razelan and the whole RS family members, you know who you are, Inteam Records, Aishah – our sponsors for helping us out. May Allah accept our humble deeds as a symbol of submission to Him.

Last but never the least, let us put our hands together and pray to Allah SWT with this prayer that concludes the song Asma’Allah, sung by Bro Sami Yusuf, one of Awakening Records artist as well:
Ya Rahmanu irham dha'fana(O Most Compassionate! Have compassion on our weakness) Ya Ghaffaaru ighfir thunoubana(O Forgiver! Forgive our sins) Ya Sattaaru ostour 'ouyoubana(O Concealer! Conceal our defects) Ya Mu'izzu a'izza ummatana(O Bestower of honour! Bestow honour on our Ummah) Ya Mujeebu ajib duýaa'ana(O Responsive One! Answer our prayers) Ya Lateefu oltof binaa (x3)(O Gentle One! Show gentleness to us)

Amin,Amin ya Rabbal Alamin

2 responses:

mamawana October 16, 2010 at 5:12 PM  

Salam Dr Har

Not much to say here, may Allah swt bless you and yr family. I've heard abt the RUmah Raudhatus Sakinah and I've always love MZ song. Subhanallah. Alhamdulillah.

naim_yaakob October 20, 2010 at 7:18 AM  

Salam. I was there. tak sangke MZ bole jejak shah alam. Thanx prof har and the team.

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