My Teacher's Day cards

>> Thursday, May 26, 2011

Last week, on Teacher's Day May 16th, I was in Harvard. I received many sms from my students - and I was very touched by their kind thots. Yesterday, my first day back to work after a whole week of absence, I was greeted by two very cute cards in my pigeon hole. One was from Dr Hafidzoh, who just graduated last March and another one - uniquely designed for me, was from an anonymous student. I would like to thank them for the nice & kind gesture, and I must say, it was totally my pleasure to be a part of their learning journey and experience. THANK YOU!
Dr. Har

Back from Harvard

>> Sunday, May 22, 2011

Alhamdulillah, I'm back to Malaysia. Writing this from the comfort of my home, sweet home. May Allah SWT give me the strength to share all the pearls and gems I obtained in Harvard with as many people as possible. Amin Ya Rabb!

Dr. Har

Back to Harvard

>> Friday, May 20, 2011


Been a while since my last posting. Am back in Harvard Univ, this time I am in the main campus in Cambridge. Last Jan, I was in the Longwood Harvard Medical School campus, close to the Brigham Hosp. For the second part of the course, starting 15 - 20 May, we're in the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). I must say, this is the first time I ever had a PROPER educational training in my whole career - given by the gurus of education. To name a few - Prof Bob Kegan (specialized in adult professional development), Prof Hal Lyon (an educational psychologist), Prof Emeritus Karen Mann (assessment expert). I feel so privileged to be their students. And not to mention, the five-star hospitality by Dr Intan Ruspita ( an Indonesian dental lecturer from Univ Gajahmada, Jogja who's doing her post-doc here in Harvard Dental School) and her family - Mas Chandra (husband) and two boys ( Rezeki and Sulthan), who spent their evenings with me.InsyaAllah, will post in the pictures when I'm back to M'sia.

Dr. Har

MD UKM 2011

>> Monday, May 9, 2011


I hope it is not too late to congratulate all fresh medical graduates of UKM (MD UKM 2011). InsyaAllah, they're going to register for duty in MOH on May 23rd. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your upbringing. The pleasure is mine and I am very proud of you all.

I must dedicate a special thank to Dr.Husna & friends for taking the trouble to spring -clean my office. I know it was purely voluntary, but I was so indebted. I hope the Wong Solo treat was acceptable.

Love you all always : Prof Har

We are Beautiful, Allah Loves Us


Well, actually, I was in the Marche with Dr Husna, Wardina, Irma & Eenaz to have some chit chat. We were excited about the program we were organizing that weekend at Masjid Wilayah : We are Beautiful, Allah loves us. The program was mainly to have a discussion on aurah and concept of beauty in Islam. Alhamdulillah, almost 200 sisters turned up. Kudos to my beautiful sisters in the usrah group who organized themselves so well and put up a beautiful event. Am so proud of you all!

Dr Har

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